Welcoming Autumn

Moon Goddesses by Anne Copeland
We really don't know a specific hour or date,
but suddenly we know it is the time.
It is the witching hour
when all the goddesses of old come out
to dance beneath and around the moon.
The moon, pregnant with the bounty of harvest time,
Welcomes us to share in the joy
Knowing that all our tribe
Will not know hunger through the winter months
And so we dance once again
Not knowing what the next harvest season will bring,
But knowing we are in the here and now.
And so we dance once again.

27 thoughts on “Welcoming Autumn

  1. Thank you kindly, Alethea. I have always liked to work with my hands. This is a small quilt, I think 8 x 11 or close to that. It is strange that so many of them have disappeared and I honestly don’t know where they went. I have sold some quilts and given some away, so I guess they are in good homes somewhere. I can always make more.

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    1. It’s a talent not all of us have. I’m currently just trying to figure out the sewing machine I once bought my daughter so I can make some eye pillows for my yoga students, LOL. Following written directions is not my strong suit. 🙂

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      1. That’s funny Alethea, I have the same issue with trying to follow the instructions of others. I always end up making my own way through it. I just cannot seem to follow strong instructions. I just sort of figure out what it is I am trying to do it, and I sort of meditate on it, and somehow I will come up with the way to do it. It probably isn’t the “right” way, but it is what works for me that makes sense. I think a lot of us who sew do that. I once made this mini quilt from a block pattern I like called “Snail’s Trail.” Sooner or later, I screwed it up and got the pieces in the wrong places and had sewn the blocks together before I realized my error. But not one to go back and do it over right, I just renamed my quilt “When Snails Go Astray,” and the funny thing is that it was a charity auction piece. The skilled quilters made mean fun of me because I didn’t get it right, but my three contributions were the first ones to be sold. Not for biggie bucks, but hey, I contributed and felt durn good about it. My grown daughter, Deborah, is a far better technical quilter than I am, but I have never been a techy person. I just do what feels right. Usually I am happy with whatever it is, though I have really majorly screwed up some of my pieces. I once cut up a piece that was “finished” because it didn’t look polished like everyone else’s. Later on, I rued the day that I did that because it would have been a good piece, and when I took an honest look at the others submitted, they were no more perfect than mine was. Sometimes we just need to go forward and accept what we have done as fine. I saw photos of my finished piece, it was not bad. Since it goes with the story of “The Little Match Girl,” I will post it around Christmas time with a message about all of that. Things don’t have to be perfect to be magical. It is the thought of what we are doing and for whom. I bet all those students will be touched by the thought that you thought enough of them to make them something special. Go forward and know it is magical and so appreciated!

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    2. When I forget how to use my machine, I sometimes switch to hand. No mechanized parts to recall. Thread the needle, stitch, stitch. Cut the thread, tie the knot. All done, and hands and arms got some good exercise too!!! Like my favorite momism (thanks, mom), where there’s a will, there is a way!


    1. Thank you, Jennie. I think one of my most important lessons about my quilting work has been to learn that not every piece needs to be done “right” or “correctly” according to any rules of quilting, etc. I have been so much happier since I stopped worrying about that. I just told another reader that around Christmas I will post my “The Little Match Girl” quilt and the story of her that should encourage everyone to not worrying about things always being perfect. I love the work of Henri Matisse!!! I bet he never worried about being perfect! One of the teachers made my poor special needs child so miserable trying to make him stick to where the arms and head and legs went on a paper bear’s body that he probably hates art now. And she almost made me hate it too. What difference does it really make if the arms are on the wrong sides or a head may be sticking out of the head area? If the child enjoys the process and gets something out of it, who knows? He might become the next great Matisse!

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      1. Letting go of having to do everything correctly is almost enlightening. Your happiness and your art blossoms. I think Matisse felt the same way. What a sad story of the child who had to do things the way the teacher insisted. Terrible. I will look forward to your Little Match Girl post. Best to you, Anne. 🙂

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  2. A beautiful peace, Anne. I’m still trying to grasp where this year has gone, so it’s quite disconcerting that autumn is here already. I think the part about “But knowing we are in the here and now. And so we dance once again” is what I need to take heed of as the days are blending into one and time seems to be disappearing. Your quilt design is fantastic too, you’re very talented!
    Caz xx

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  3. I love your approach to quilt making and it sounds like it works well for you and for those who adore your quits. Perhaps a lesson to those who would find perfection in the “right” way of doing things. I will eventually make the eye pillows, once I figure out how to actually work the machine itself. 🙂 xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are definitely not alone in needing to figure out how to work the machine; Every time I am off of mine for awhile, I have to start to learn how to use it all over again! It’s the curse of the needlewomen!!!

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  4. Boy, you can learn to do anything on Youtube today. Isn’t that great? It is good for children too who may have difficulty learning in school because they can watch it and keep turning it back to get the parts that they are having trouble with and they don’t have to have any shame because it feels like the teacher is picking on them.


  5. Thank you Jennie. I think it is extremely important to let all children, but especially special needs children, do their art the way that is right for them. They will gradually begin to do it more like others, but they need to get comfortable with the process first. And I think the most important thing is to encourage every child, however they are doing things. If you don’t, you literally kill their joy of doing it, and they will lose the desire to do it at all.Every child, whether special needs or not, develops in their own time and way. They may seem like they are not getting anything for a long time, only suddenly to burst forward and one day you are looking at a little genius. Thank you as always, Jennie. It is always good to hear from you.


  6. Oops, That lovely comment by one of our readers was “Writing is the painting of the voice.” I said Heart, for though I read voice, it seemed like our heart is there too. So I guess both are complementary and good.


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