

I remember that my mom had more “mom-isms” than probably most of the moms on my block.  If you don’t know what a mom-ism is, your mom probably never had one, but you might ask her what mom-isms her mom or grandma used to use.  A mom-ism is when you make a remark, such as “Oh Mom, I can’t.”  And your mom replies, “Really?  Did you know that there is no such word as ‘can’t’ in the English dictionary?”  Or perhaps she might say, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”  Think back on some your mom or grandma might have said.  I know some of you have some in the back of your memory. They were intended to have us not give up easily, or perhaps guide us in some other area of life.  The quilt that is painted and stitched below is one of my mom’s mom-isms.  I would say something like “I just am not sure if I can do it,”  or perhaps “Mom, I am afraid to do it,” and she would reply, “Oh, take the bull by the horns.”  I have no clue where these mom-isms came from, but they were definitely an important memory in my youth.  I will look forward to seeing some of yours.  Perhaps you have pop-isms, or grandma or grandpa-isms.  And you know, these worked too.  Look how worried this huge bull looks compared to the little cowgirl.  Have fun remembering!

Take the Bull by the Horns

“Take the Bull by the Horns” by Anne Copeland


8 thoughts on “Mom-isms

  1. A great post. I was trying to think back to sayings my mom might have used, but nothing is springing to mind. Too many years I guess. lol

    We really love your blog and writing. The topics you’ve written about have been timeless. Therefore, I’ve nominated you for a Sunshine Blogger Award!

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  2. Dear Savvy, I wonder if you would mind going on a WordPress blog called and seeing if you can post to it after reading this young man’s writing. He sounds extremely depressed and I am quite concerned about him. I responded and sent him all the positive things I could but I am not sure what else to do except to get others to help contact him so that he won’t harm himself. I don’t know his first name or anything except what I have read of his posts, and it alarmed me very much. Thank you. I know you always have good words and wisdom, and I think if a few people with good ideas write him, it might pull him out of whatever he is going through. Peace and many blessings, Anne

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